John possesses extensive program and policy development experience in the private, government, and non-profit sectors, with a focus on renewable energy, climate policy, and electrification. John manages electric vehicle, energy efficiency, and distributed renewable generation programs and has designed and led numerous local, state, and national issue campaigns.

In addition to his work with Momentum, John currently serves as a Councilmember for the City of South Lake Tahoe, where he has led the successful adoption of a resolution to procure 100% renewable energy from local sources, formed the Multicultural Alliance committee to give voice to South Lake Tahoe’s Latino and Filipino communities, and played a leadership role in key affordable housing, workforce development, and energy efficiency initiatives.


John has an extensive background in climate-related project and program management, spanning three decades. Serving as a director for organizations such as The Yosemite Conservancy, League to Save Lake Tahoe, Clean Water Action, and the Tahoe Green Jobs Coalition, John has amassed a deep understanding of clean tech and renewable energy.


University of Wisconsin, Bachelor of Business Administration 1987