
Funding: Total: $0. DCBO Firm will be reimbursed.

Dates: Pre-Application Workshop: September 15, 2020. Deadline for Written Questions: September 16, 2020. Submission Deadline: September 25, 2020.


The purpose of this RFQ is to initiate a competitive bid process to select a highly qualified Delegate Chief Building Official (DCBO) Firm for the construction of BESS at Solar Energy Generating Systems (SEGS) Units VIII and IX, as well as the demolition of SEGS Unit VIII. The DCBO will ensure that both SEGS’s Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) construction and demolition projects are completed on schedule and in accordance with all the conditions of certifications in the Final Commission Decisions, and applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, and standards. The Energy Commission is seeking one Contractor who will be responsible for all contract administrative duties, project management, report preparation, direction of field inspectors, and participation in technical work assignments. The contractor must submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) for purposes of this RFQ.

The DCBOs carry out the design review, demolition, and construction inspections on behalf of the Energy Commission. The DCBO performs this responsibility through engineering plan and technical specification review, analysis and calculation, on-site inspections for code and LORS compliance, and if applicable, providing a COC-required independent Safety Monitor. The DCBO also works with Energy Commission staff to enforce local building codes, the facility design, geology and transmission system engineering COCs, the storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP), and the drainage, erosion, and sediment control plan (DESCP), as well as other applicable project LORS to ensure public health and life/safety.

The COCs are the compliance road map followed by a power plant project team; they define how a project is to proceed to completion and subsequently to begin or resume operation. Additionally, the power plant’s COCs define the various design, demolition, and construction compliance tasks imposed on a project owner by the Energy Commission. These tasks may involve the performance of work not typically required by other jurisdictional agencies for other demolition and construction projects. COCs vary from project to project; the DCBO must understand this and become familiar with the site specific COCs applicable to each project. Although the DCBO’s oversight is instrumental for COC and LORS compliance, the Energy Commission always retains final authority to ensure the project is built accordingly, and the DCBO has no authority to alter or substitute any COCs.

Project Topic Areas:

The California Energy Commission certified the Solar Electric Generating System (SEGS) VIII project in March 1989, which commenced commercial operation in December 1989. SEGS IX was certified by the Energy Commission February 1990 and was operational in October 1990. SEGS VIII and IX employ parabolic mirrors to concentrate solar thermal energy to heat fluid to create steam for the generation of a combined total of up to 160 megawatts (MW) of electricity. Each of the SEGS projects provide a peak of 80 MW of solar thermal electricity to the Southern California Edison (SCE) transmission grid. Both projects are located near Harper Lake in San Bernardino County, California.

On July 26, 2019, Luz Solar Partners VIII and IX, LLC, filed a post certification petition to change the design and operation of SEGS VIII & IX, and to modify the Commission Decisions for the SEGS VIII and IX to allow for the addition of a battery energy storage system (BESS). The BESS project will be installed within the footprints of the previously disturbed land areas of the currently operating SEGS VIII and IX projects. The BESS project would occupy approximately 9 acres. The BESS foundations would be built on less than one acre.

BESS construction activities include site preparation and grading, installation of foundations/supports, setting battery modules, wiring and electrical system installation, and assembly of the accessory components including transformers. The battery modules will be assembled inside individual containers or within an enclosure, depending on the selected BESS manufacturer.


The contract amount between the Energy Commission and the selected DCBO Firm will be zero dollars. The DCBO Firm will be reimbursed through a separate agreement with the Project Owner. The Energy Commission will be an expressly named third-party beneficiary to the agreement between the DCBO Firm and the Project Owner.

Project Requirements:

It is the DCBO’s responsibility to ensure design document compliance is achieved by a thorough review of: engineered plans; project specifications; and the design document calculations provided by California-licensed plan review engineers. The DCBO’s lead plan reviewers must have verifiable knowledge and experience reviewing high voltage power generating facility demolition and construction documents in California. Lastly, the owner’s resident engineer (RE) shall monitor the development, progress, and quality of submittal documentation produced by the engineers of record, to include those from engineering companies, suppliers/fabricators and construction companies. The RE shall communicate closely with the DCBO when setting priorities for DCBO document review service and DCBO acceptance of test procedures/protocols for demolition and construction purposes. The DCBO shall coordinate with the RE to help minimize project delays.

The DCBOs are also delegated the authority to conduct project site field inspections. In this capacity, the DCBOs will inspect, write corrections if applicable, and eventually approve and document all CBSC-required inspections. This is achieved by providing high quality, and certified lead building inspectors that have verifiable experience performing high voltage power generating facility inspections in California.

A project’s COCs will also require that qualified special inspectors be assigned to oversee work for which applicable LORS require special inspections. The DCBO reviews and approves the project’s special inspection program. This review will ensure that the CBSC’s special inspection requirements are met. The DCBO will review and approve any potential special inspector proposed and oversee the special inspection program for the life of the resulting contract to ensure all requirements are met.

In addition to plan review and inspection services, the services of a safety monitor may be needed. The safety monitor will be selected by, and report directly to, the DCBO and will be responsible for verifying that the project’s safety supervisor, as required by other COCs, is implementing all Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), better known as Cal/OSHA, and Energy Commission safety requirements. If the project requires a safety monitor, the DCBO shall provide a safety monitor that is certified from a recognized state, national or international organization as a Safety Professional. The safety monitor will be in addition to normal on-site inspection personnel.

Eligible Applicants:

This is an open solicitation for public and private entities. Each agreement resulting from this solicitation includes terms and conditions that set forth the contractor’s rights and responsibilities. All other entities must agree to use the standard terms and conditions. The Energy Commission will not award contracts to non-complying entities. The Energy Commission reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions prior to executing agreements. All corporations, limited liability companies (LLCs), limited partnerships (LPs) and limited liability partnerships (LLPs) that conduct intrastate business in California are required to be registered and in good standing with the California Secretary of State prior to its project being recommended for approval at an Energy Commission Business Meeting.