Funding Opportunities
California Flexible Load Research and Deployment Hub
California Flexible Load Research and Deployment Hub. Total funding is $16,000,000 with maximum awards of $12M-$16M, depending on technology. This solicitation will fund the CalFlexHub to conduct electricity sector applied research and development and technology demonstration and deployment projects that increase the use and market adoption of advanced, interoperable, and flexible demand technologies and strategies as electric grid resources and facilitate integration of distributed energy resources.
2020-2021 Sustainable Communities Program Call for Applications
2020-2021 Sustainable Communities Program Call for Applications. Total funding is TBA with maximum awards of $250K-$500K, depending on plan. The 2020/21 Sustainable Communities Program (SCP) will provide local jurisdictions and agencies with multiple opportunities to seek funding and resources to meet the needs of their communities, address recovery and resiliency strategies considering COVID-19, and support regional goals.
FY 2020 Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities
FY 2020 Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities. Total funding is $500,000,000 with maximum awards of $300K-$600K, depending on category. The 2018–2022 FEMA Strategic Plan provides a framework for supporting the United States before, during, and after disasters and improving the Agency’s execution of its fundamental mission of helping people.
California Pollution Control Financing Authority (CPCFA) Exempt Facility Bond Financing Program
California Pollution Control Financing Authority (CPCFA) Exempt Facility Bond Financing Program. Total funding is $550,000,000 with maximum awards of $1.5M-$550M. The CPCFA Tax-Exempt Bond Financing Program provides private activity tax-exempt bond financing to California businesses for the acquisition, construction, or installation of qualified pollution control, waste disposal, waste recovery facilities, and the acquisition and installation of new equipment.
California Capital Access Program (CalCAP) – Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVCS) Financing Program
California Capital Access Program (CalCAP) – Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVCS) Financing Program. Total funding is $2,000,000 with maximum loans of $500K with a maximum rebate of $75,000. Loans enrolled in the EVCS Financing Program can be used for the design, development, purchase, and installation of electric vehicle charging stations at small business locations in California.
Zero-Emission Class 8 Freight and Port Drayage Trucks Category
Zero-Emission Class 8 Freight and Port Drayage Trucks Category. Total funding is $90,000,000 with maximum awards of $200K for equipment and $2.7M for fleets. This category is intended to support the expansion of zero-emission truck availability in the heaviest weight class that have typically relied on diesel technologies.
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Revolving Loan Fund
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Revolving Loan Fund. Total funding is $2,500,000 with an interest rate of 4.0%. The GHG Reduction Loan Program provides funds to support new or expanded organics infrastructure, such as composting and anaerobic digestion facilities, as well as for facilities that manufacture fiber, plastic or glass waste materials into beneficial products.
FY2021 Supporting Equitable Development and Environmental Justice in Brownfields Communities
FY2021 Supporting Equitable Development and Environmental Justice in Brownfields Communities. Total funding is $600,000 with maximum awards of $600K. Grants awarded under this solicitation will help communities, organizations, government agencies, nonprofits, and individuals by providing technical assistance on the integration of environmental justice and equitable development when developing solutions to brownfields cleanup and revitalization challenges.
FY2021 Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training (EWDJT) Grants
FY2021 Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training (EWDJT) Grants. Total funding is $3,000,000 with maximum awards of $200K. This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits proposals from eligible entities, including nonprofit organizations, to deliver EWDJT programs that recruit, train, and place local, unemployed and under-employed residents with the skills needed to secure full-time employment in the environmental field.
Electric Vehicle Ready Communities Phase II – Blueprint Implementation
Electric Vehicle Ready Communities Phase II – Blueprint Implementation. Total funding is $7,500,000 with maximum awards of $2.5M. This grant funds for projects that will implement projects developed and identified in Phase I, Blueprint Development, of the Electric Vehicle (EV) Ready Communities Challenge.